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Marta Buenaventura Barrial
Born in Madrid in 1956. Architect and Urban Designer at the School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain. Lives two years in Toronto, Canada. Advance Research Studies Diploma in the Department of Architectural Projects, Polytechnic University of Madrid. Attends the Painting Department of the Fine Arts School of Madrid.
REP01_DM_50x50_G |
REP04_DM_80x80_G |
BIO02_50x150_G |
REP03_DM_80x80_G |
REP02_DM_80x80_G |
R34_DM_43x43_G |
R33_DM_43x43_G |
M_DM_25x25_G |
B02_25x25_G |
B01_25x25_G |
B_30x30_G |
AF39_DM_100x150_G |
AF37_DM_100x150_G |
AF03_DM_25x25_G |
AF02_DM_25x25_G |
AF01_DM_25x25_G |
Y13_C_97x130_G |
W18_DM_80x80_G |
W16_C_86x146_G |
W04_DM_100x100_G |
RT28_C_114x145_G |
RT20_C_123x160_G |
RT18_C_114x145_G |
RT15_C_135x137 |
RT14_C_135x137_G |
RT_C_114x145_G |
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